
For actual shows please go to respective projects

Past shows:

Jan 26th, 2023

Moods, Zürich

with Samuel Weniger, video

Feb 16th - Mar 16th 2023

Schiffbauplatz Zürich
Sound Installation Encounter Iced Sound
collaboration with rotative studio

Feb 16th, 2023

Schiffbauplatz Zürich

Encounter Iced Sound with Mario Hänni (dr) solo

Feb 25th, 2023

AMR, Geneva

Duo Meier-Landolt

Feb 26th, 2023

Schiffbauplatz Zürich

Encounter Iced Sound with Tapiwa Svosve (sax) solo

Mar 3rd, 2023

Schiffbauplatz Zürich

Encounter Iced Sound with Violeta Garcia (cello) solo

Mar 11th, 2023

Silo, Zürich

Trio Heinz Herbert

April 15th, 2023

Silo, Zürich

Trio Heinz Herbert

April 20-21th, 2023

Barcelona Model +

Encounter Iced Sound

May 12th, 2023

Silo, Zürich

Trio Heinz Herbert

May 13th, 2023

Jazzfestival Schaffhausen

Musik, Wissenschaft & Klimakrise

presenting Iced Sound

May 20th, 2023

Amboss & Steigbügel, SG

Trio Heinz Herbert

Aug 27th, 2023

Amboss & Steigbügel, SG

Trio Heinz Herbert

Sep 7th, 2023

Neubad Luzern

Trio Heinz Herbert

Sep 24th, 2023

Silo, Zürich

Trio Heinz Herbert

Sep 28th, 2023

Planet, Olten

Trio Heinz Herbert

Oct 13th, 2023

Silo, Zürich

Trio Heinz Herbert

Oct 18-22th, 2023

DDW, Eindhoven, NL

Encounter Iced Sound

Nov 16th, 2023

Jazzmeile, Jena (DE)

Trio Heinz Herbert

Nov 27th, 2023

Unerhört Festival, Zürich

Duo Garcia-Landolt

Past shows:

Mar 11th, 2023

Silo, Zürich

Trio Heinz Herbert

Mar 3rd, 2023

Schiffbauplatz Zürich

Encounter Iced Sound with Violeta Garcia (cello) solo

Feb 26th, 2023

Schiffbauplatz Zürich

Encounter Iced Sound with Tapiwa Svosve (sax) solo

Feb 25th, 2023

AMR, Geneva

Duo Meier-Landolt

Feb 16th, 2023

Schiffbauplatz Zürich

Encounter Iced Sound with Mario Hänni (dr) solo

Feb 16th - Mar 16th 2023

Schiffbauplatz Zürich
Sound Installation Encounter Iced Sound
collaboration with rotative studio

Jan 26th, 2023

Moods, Zürich

with Samuel Weniger, video

Dec 29th, 2022

Moods, Zürich
Trio Heinz Herbert

Dec 16th, 2022
Kunstraum Walcheturm

Premiere Sonic Radiation Orchestra


Dec 8th, 2022
Theater am Gleis, Winterthur

Trio Heinz Herbert

December 2022 - March 2023
Moods Carte Blanche Artist Residency

Oct 22nd, 2022
Surroundsound, Reichenburg
Trio Heinz Herbert

Oct 16th, 2022
Schlosserei Neninnger, CH
Trio Heinz Herbert

Oct 8-9th, 2022
Expedition #8 w violeta Garcia

lced Sound, Rhone-Glacier

Sep 16th, 2022
Insitu Zürich, CH
Trio Heinz Herbert

Sep 9, 2022
Goteborg Bubblan, Sweden
Trio Heinz Herbert

Sep 7, 2022
Fasching Stockholm, Sweden
Trio Heinz Herbert

Sep 6, 2022
Nasjonal Jazz Scene Oslo, Norway
Trio Heinz Herbert

Sep 5, 2022
Sörängen, Sweden
Trio Heinz Herbert

Sep 3, 2022
Punkt Festival, Norway
Trio Heinz Herbert

Jul 7-9th, 2022
Expedition #7 w Mario Hänni

Iced Sound Rhone Glacier

for furhter details and all shows in 2022 please visit band websites